Forums – Roman Republic | Respublica Romana



    • Collegium Civilizationis Romanae | College of Roman Civilization
      This collegium is dedicated to the promotion and study of all aspects of ancient Roman culture. From literature, art, architecture, history, archaeology, and affairs of daily life in antiquity. This group is also about restoring and living the best of Roman culture today! This group covers all these topics and more. This group is administered by its Concilium Magistrorum of between two and five members. The current magistri are:
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    • Collegium Militare | Roman Military and Reenactment Society
      This Collegium is devoted to living history and the legacy of the ancient Roman military as it existed from the founding of Rome. This group also promotes the study of the living history of Roman civilians as well. All things reenactment are welcome on this group and we embrace the participation and collaboration of reenactment groups throughout the world. This group is also for non-reenactors interested in studying Roman military history.
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    • Collegium Certabundum | College for Games and Festivals
      The Roman Republic community celebrates the ancient Roman festivals known in antiquity as ludi both offline in our local communities and online as a greater Roman community. Part of these online celebrations involves friendly competitions in various games between factions which act as teams. This collegium oversees the coordination and promotion of these factions and also assists in organizing these ludi celebrations. The is a forum where ludi games and associated factions are organized, celebrated and coordinated. The main ludi games of the Roman Republic are: Ludi Rei Publicae - March 3 - 10 Ludi Megalenses - April 4 -10 Ludi Cereri - April 12 -19 Ludi Florae - April 27 - May 3 Piscatorii Ludi - June 7 - 10 Ludi Apollinares - July 6 - 13 Ludi Romani - Sep 5 - 19 Ludi Capitolini - Oct 15 Ludi Plebeii - Nov 4 - 17
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